About Voice For Us
In 2016, a four-legged presence in my daughter’s life changed my life. One day in her yard a beautiful cat showed up out of nowhere and adopted my daughter! That’s right, the feline chose to be my daughter’s furbaby, it wasn’t the other way around. It didn’t take long to fall in love with her, she soon stole our hearts.
A few months later my daughter took her to a vet, found out the furbaby was a girl, and microchipped her. That day I officially became a grandmother. I like to call her “Cuoricino Mio” (my little heart). I became more aware of animal welfare, my love for animals kept growing more and more everyday making me feel powerless in comparison to those organizations that dedicate their life to saving all kind of animals.
One day I said to myself: “I wish I was rich or I could win the lottery and use the money to build animal shelters and then rescue, protect, help and love all animals in need”. Since I am not rich, in the meantime there is a way to contribute to spread awareness among people and introduce them to an animal friendly lifestyle. That is the purpose of the Facebook page and this website. Voice For Us was created to provide animal related information and news worldwide.
Most of the news are sadly animal cruelty related and occasionally there are animal rescue stories. I feel that people out there need to know what goes on in the animal world, a world that must coexist with the human one. Voice For Us wants to encourage people to come forward when they witness animal cruelty, make sure that people get involved by reporting animal cruelty, calling for help, keeping an eye on neighbors and step in when an animal life is in danger. It’s not much to ask, it’s about saving a life.
Cuoricino Mio makes me feel that every animal out there is a member of my family that needs to be protected, taken care of and most of all deserves to be loved. Voice For Us believes that animals are sentient creatures and therefore is totally against the use of animals in food, scientific, pharmaceutical and beauty experimentation, entertainment and clothing manufacturing.
Those criminals out there who feel superior to animals, and think they have the right to take their lives will be stopped if we animal lovers work together. Good will defeat evil. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have supported Voice For Us so far and will continue to do so in the future.
Voice For Us editor, Fabiola