- Kansas, USA -
On the evening of Saturday, April 24, Hutchinson Police arrested 22-year-old AARON WOODS (pictured below).
The Hutchinson News reports that WOODS’ roommate told police her dog, a Chihuahua, was killed by WOODS for going potty inside the house.
WOODS is accused of throwing the small Chihuahua out of the house in the 600 block of East 4th Street.
The furbaby died at the scene.
Hutchinson Police Lt. Dustin Loepp said the dispute between WOODS and his roommate regarding the woman's Chihuahua’s “household manner” had been an ongoing issue in the short time she and her dog lived there.
WOODS was arrested on a single MISDEMEANOR count of cruelty to animals but the case is still being investigated to see if detectives determine it meets the threshold of a felony.
Lt. Loepp said the severity of the charge is based on intent.
KSN reports that Hutchinson Police said it is possible that the case will be dismissed during the investigation, but charges will be refiled after the conclusion of the detective’s investigation.
WOODS was released on bond.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
