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ALAN M. JOHNSON arrested after a dog was found dead in a dumpster

- Kansas, USA -

The discovery of a dead dog in a dumpster led to the arrest of 32-years-old ALAN M. JOHNSON (pictured below).

On the night of Sunday, February 13, Emporia Police officers were called to the 1100 block of Sylvan Street regarding reports of suspected cruelty against a dog.

On the scene, officers discovered a deceased dog in a dumpster.

According to Emporia Police Captain Lisa Hayes, one citizen reported “what sounded like a dog being injured and another reported witnessing the cruelty as well as seeing the suspect put a dog in a dumpster”, reports The Emporia Gazette.

Assistant Lyon County Attorney Carissa Brinker said that JOHNSON, of Emporia, has been charged with one felony count of animal cruelty and one count of possessing drug paraphernalia.

KVOE reports that on Tuesday, February 15, JOHNSON had his first appearance at Lyon County District Court with a preliminary hearing set for March 9, 2022.

The investigation is ongoing.

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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Frank Verdeaux
Frank Verdeaux
Feb 17, 2022

Oh, Lord!! Is he in a straighjacket, there?? If that isn't one he definitely SHOULD be in one!! Do we REALLY want a psycho f**k like this freak released into society?? Bless that poor dog. I took a short mental health vacation from reading these horror stories and feel like I have to go back again. I sure hope karma will kick into high gear for these nut-sack psychos.


Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Feb 16, 2022

What did this weird eyed POS do to the blessed furbaby?! RIP BLESSED SOUL.

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