- Washington, USA -
The Battle Ground Police Department announced that following a year-long investigation, 35-year-old ANDRE TERRY TERWILLEGER (pictured) has been apprehended.
On November 15, 2024, officers responded to a home in the 2100 block of Southwest Fifth Street, where they smelled a strong stench coming from the garage area.
Officers discovered nine abandoned dogs but sadly, five of them were deceased. The four dogs who were found alive were severely malnourished and in need of urgent medical attention so they were taken for emergency veterinary care.
During the course of the investigation, detectives reached out for assistance to an expert veterinarian from the Human Society of Southwest Washington and the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
An extensive probe enabled investigators to gather sufficient evidence to establish that animal cruelty offenses had been committed. Investigators also identified TERWILLEGER as the former tenant of the home where all the nine dogs were found, as well as the individual responsible for the care of those furvictims.
Investigators then forwarded the case to the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office requesting seven counts of animal cruelty in the first degree – death, and two counts of animal cruelty in the second degree – owner fail to provide.
On March 6, 2025, the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office issued a warrant for TERWILLEGER’s arrest on the aforementioned charges.
However, detectives were unable to locate TERWILLEGER so the Battle Ground Police Department took to social media their appeal to the public for assistance.
On March 8, 2025, the police advised that thanks to the public’s help and “the swift action of our outstanding partners at the Clark County Sheriff's Office, Washington State, the suspect was located and taken into custody without incident—just hours after our initial post.”
Battle Ground Police Chief Dennis Flynn said: “We are truly humbled by the overwhelming support we received on this heartbreaking case. The community’s vigilance and dedication to making our city a safe and compassionate place does not go unnoticed. Together, we can continue to work towards making Battle Ground a safer, stronger community to live, work, and thrive.”
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from the press release by the Battle Ground Police Department. Please note that details may be removed or new information added should updates become available.
In the case of charges being dropped, dismissed, or the case being purged, this article will be rectified accordingly, if official documentation is provided to Voice For Us.
TERWILLEGER’s mugshot shared from the Battle Ground Police Department
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