- Louisiana, USA -
On Thursday, June 3, St. Landry Parish deputies arrested 60-year-old ANITA KATHY BELAIRE (pictured below) and charged her with 174 counts of cruelty to animals.
The arrest follows a puppy mill investigation earlier this year, when back in February and March nearly 300 dogs were seized from her home on Lago Drive between Opelousas and Grand Coteau.
Ms. Terri Courvelle, St. Landry Animal Rescue Director, told News 10 that she received a tip in February about BELAIRE operating a large-scale puppy mill at her home, so she went undercover to buy a puppy.
You are not going to believe this but from the investigation it emerged that BELAIRE had been running it for over 20 years in secret!
“No bedding. No food. No water. They were dirty. The stench was so bad”, said Ms. Courvelle.
She then added: “They had matting that was so thick, some of them were almost unable to walk. They would just drag. One in particular was five pounds, six ounces, and when we finished shaving him, he was a little over a pound.”
According to Ms. Courvelle, the poor furbabies were being sold online in what’s being called a puppy mill hidden inside a large home.
Veterinarians who examined the dogs “found issues ranging from ear bites, infections, umbilical cord issues, a broken jaw, eyes popped out, fleas, matting, and more from inbreeding and neglect”, reports WGNO.
Ms. Courville said of the nearly 300 dogs there, 235 of them were older dogs, being used to breed litter after litter every year.
Staff at Animals of St. Landry worked hard to vet, groom, and bathe the dogs.
Back in March, News 10 reported that all the vet care and fees were paid for through the BISSELL Pet Foundation and nonprofits throughout the United States.
As reported by News 10, Ms. Courville is now working with St. Landry parish government officials to create new rules and regulations to prevent BLAIRE and others like her from operating another puppy mill like the one at her home.
Reportedly, before her arrest, BELAIRE fought for her rights to keep the dogs.
BELAIRE, what about the dogs’ rights to live in a caring and happy home and be fed and loved and not be forced to deliver litter after litter?
You and those like you disgust me to my very core!
You exist because people just as evil and disgusting come to you instead of going to shelters to get their furbabies.
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