- Connecticut, USA -
Following an investigation, authorities arrested 25-year-old ANIZYA ELLIOTT (pictured below).
ELLIOTT was charged with animal cruelty after videos posted on social media showed defenseless puppies being thrown, kicked, and abused.
On the evening of Sunday, March 21, New Haven Police went to the female’s home on Sherman Avenue in New Haven.
Officers found and seized two 6-month-old puppies who were then transported to the Robin I. Kroogman New Haven Animal Shelter.
The shelter director, Officer Joseph Manganiello, said that the furbabies remain in their care.
Police said ELLIOTT was taken to the NHPD Union Avenue Detention Center at 1 Union Avenue.
According to New Haven Register, New Haven Police Captain Anthony Duff said the arrestee was released after posting $10,000 bond.
ELLIOTT has a date with a judge at Superior Court in New Haven on May 17.
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