- Alabama, USA -
The Huntsville Police Department arrested 37-year-old Captain BRANDON DALE MAGILL (pictured), a Madison Fire and Rescue firefighter, for animal cruelty.
Police said MAGILL turned himself in after a warrant was issued following a report that was filed on February 20, 2025.
The police did not release additional information as the investigation is ongoing. However, according to a post by Sarah Ann on the Facebook public group What's Happening in Huntsville, Madison, Athens?, MAGILL beat a German Shepherd puppy to death and was arrested after he was caught on video.
With regard to MAGILL’s arrest, the city of Madison released the following statement:
“The City of Madison is deeply concerned by the recent violent behavior of a Madison Fire and Rescue employee. This conduct is unacceptable and does not reflect the values MF&R upholds. As a result, the City of Madison has begun the disciplinary investigation proceedings by placing the individual on administrative leave.”
It’s unclear whether MAGILL is still in the position of Captain for the department.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: Please note that details may be removed or new information added should updates become available.
In the case of charges being dropped, dismissed, or the case being purged, this article will be rectified accordingly, if official documentation is provided to Voice For Us.
MAGILL’s mugshot provided to Voice For Us by the Madison County Sheriff's Office
Furvictim’s photo shared from a post by Sarah Ann on the Facebook public group What's Happening in Huntsville, Madison, Athens?
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Brandon Dale Magill is a stain on his career. I pray his punishment is as harsh as his crime! RIP INNOCENT SOUL