- Illinois, USA -
UPDATE: March 26, 2021
ABC7 reports that on Thursday, March 25, 22-year-old BREANNA EVANS (pictured below) pleaded guilty to animal cruelty charges and was sentenced to two years on probation.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
~ Original story:
On Monday, October 14, while Chicago Police were investigating a case unrelated to this story, they rescued a total of six dogs who were discovered in “absolutely horrible conditions” in an Austin home in the 5400 block of West Potomac.
Outside of the property, police said there was a black and white Pit Bull “severely emaciated to the point of ribs and spine showing through his coat.”
The poor dog whose original name was Jax, was dehydrated, weak, showed skin conditions, and appeared lethargic.
The furbaby was taken to Niles Animal Hospital.
Jax is the father of all the rescued puppies.
There was a female in the property, 22-year-old BREANNA EVANS.
She admitted to police that Jax was hers and that she had two other dogs.
Officers found an adult gray female Pit Bull mix named Diamond.
Kellie Bartoli with the Chicago Police said that Diamond had bite marks all over her right side of her body, both her front legs, there were also bite marks on the top of her head and her ear.
The other dog, named Cooked, was a brown female Pit Bull mix who had open sores on her severely emaciated body.
Three other puppies, believed to be four-to five weeks old, were found on soiled puppy pads and Bartoli said their nails were curling under their paws.
As CWB Chicago reports, “prosecutors charged BREANNA EVANS with felony aggravated cruelty to animals, six misdemeanor counts of failure to perform animal owner duties, two misdemeanor counts of cruelty to animals, and six animal-related ordinance violations.”
The accused relinquished all rights of ownership to the dogs.
Garrido Stray Rescue Foundation is taking care of all six innocent dogs and is still raising money to cover Jax’s medical bills.
The furbaby has now been named Frank, after St. Francis.
The nonprofit also asked everyone to pray for him.
Frank is slowly gaining weight, he is friendly, playful, and sweet.
On Monday, October 21, BREANNA EVANS showed up in court to face all charges.
CWB Chicago reports that while EVANS was in the courtroom, more than 100 dog lovers present in the gallery, “rose their feet, sending a clear message to the judge.”
Prosecutors are taking EVANS’ case to a grand jury for approval of a true bill.
The defendant is scheduled to appear in court in November.
If you can afford to make a donation towards these puppies’ medical care, you can visit the Garrido Stray Rescue Foundation Facebook page.