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CARL MOGLIKA JR. facing charges one month after his dog was rescued from severe abuse and neglect

Writer's picture: voiceforusvoiceforus

- Massachusetts, USA -

MSPCA-Angell announced that CARL MOGLIKA JR. has now been charged with two felony counts of animal cruelty after his dog was rescued on May 4, 2022, thanks to collaborative efforts by the MSPCA-Angell’s Law Enforcement Department, Agawam Police and Agawam Animal Control.

The MSPCA-Angell said that MOGLIKA’s dog, a 4-and-a-half-year-old female Pitbull mix named Sophie, was removed after neighbors who heard her being hit and crying in pain, notified the management office at an Agawam condominium complex where MOGLIKA was living.

The office then alerted the MSPCA-Angell.

After being removed from this soulless and heartless individual, the furbaby was immediately brought to the MSPCA-Angell’s Boston shelter.

Veterinarian who examined Sophie found that “in addition to being emaciated, she had anemia, a fractured tooth, and a thin coat. Since then, shelter staff have been nursing her back to health and say she's incredibly friendly and loving, despite her past trauma”, said the MSPCA-Angell.

The pictures published below are a testimony of how Sophie arrived and how healthy she is looking now!

As the MSPCA-Angell said, Sophie is “learning some behavior skills from scratch because normal forms of dog communication were ignored in her last home.”

As reported by NBC Boston, Mike Keiley, director of adoption centers and programs at MSPCA-Angell, explained that Sophie tends to guard her food or toys by growling, lunging, or biting, so, staff at the shelter is working hard to help Sophie “how to communicate with people in a new way.”

The MSPCA-Angell also said: “Despite her history, Sophie has a big personality and is silly and engaging. She loves being around people.”

Sophie is now looking for a furever home where she can be treated the way all animals deserve to be treated, with love, respect, and dignity!

If you are interested in adding Sophie to your family, please, click here. Thank you!

MOGLIKA was arraigned on two counts of felony animal cruelty on Thursday, June 16, at Westfield District Court.

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon

OMG! Sophie has come a long way from the emaciated Soul when she arrived. Praises go to her caretakers. Please Sophie, keep on getting better! As to the jerk who abused her, Karma has your name & no lawyer on earth can help you get away from Her.

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