- Florida, USA -
On February 6, the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office arrested 59-year-old CATHERINE LOUISE COLLIER (pictured below), of Homosassa.
Citrus County Chronicle reports that on February 4, ACO began investigating the injuries of COLLIER’s dog, an 11-year-old brindle mix named Bindi.
According to COLLIER’s arrest report, Bindi was emaciated, sick and had a large mass growing and oozing pus on the left side of her face.
Bindi was examined by a veterinarian who sadly had to euthanize her because the mass was keeping the furbaby from eating and ruled her death as an act of neglect.
The arrest report also states that COLLIER told officers that she had treated the cancer in Bindi’s jaw but it came back.
COLLIER said she noticed Bindi getting thinner and knew she should have euthanized her, but she refused to do so.
COLLIER claimed the last time she took Bindi to a vet was last year.
COLLIER was booked into the Citrus County Jail on felony Cause Cruel Death Pain And Suffering.
She was released after posting bail on her $2,000 bond.
COLLIER is scheduled to be arraigned on February 22.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
