- Illinois, USA -
~ Update: September 15, 2022
On Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 24-years-old CHRISTOPHER CASTILLO (pictured), pleaded guilty to aggravated animal cruelty in connection with a horrific animal cruelty case in which he fatally stabbed the family’s dog in 2021. CASTILLO told police God had told him to kill the dog.
Although the filthy murderer could have received a sentence of up to three years in prison, he was gifted with eighteen months’ probation.
According to the Daily Herald, CASTILLO “is required to continue participating in psychotherapy.”
~ Original story:
Authorities have arrested 23-year-old CHRISTOPHER CASTILLO (pictured below).
CASTILLO is accused of fatally stabbing the family dog and was charged with aggravated animal cruelty.
Daily Herald reports that Kane County Forest Preserve Police Chief Mike Gilloffo said the charge stems from an incident that happened on March 25.
CASTILLO had told his parents he was taking the dog for a walk around 4:30 a.m.
By 8:00 a.m. CASTILLO and the dog did not return home so the family reported CASTILLO missing.
According to Chief Gilloffo, the family later found CASTILLO’s car in the parking lot of Helm Woods Forest Preserve.
They also recovered the wounded furbaby and a piece of clothing.
The furbaby was first taken home and then police took him/her to a veterinary hospital.
Sadly, the furbaby did not make it.
CASTILLO was located later that day while he was walking on Route 62.
Reportedly, he told police God told him to kill the family dog.
As reported by Daily Herald, “Due to concerns about his mental health, police took Castillo to a hospital for evaluation.”
I guess there was nothing wrong with him because he is already out walking our streets!
CASTILLO is no different from other animal abusers!
He is just concentrated pure evil!
The murderer is free on $7,500 bond.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Link included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
#animalcruelty #animalslivesmatter #deathpenaltyforanimalabusers #dogkilled #dogmurdered #dogstabbed #probation #carpentersville #kanecounty #illinois