- Texas, USA -
On August 29, 2022, a deputy with the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to a property on 1449 CR 401 just south of the City of Dayton regarding a dead donkey in the front yard of that residence.
The sheriff’s office tells me that when the deputy tried to make contact with the homeowner, 64-years-old CLAUDIA ANN CARLTON (pictured), CARLTON “fired at the Deputy from near the front door.”
The deputy was wearing his uniform and his vehicle was a clearly marked patrol vehicle.
At that point the deputy called for backup and the Liberty County Sheriff’ Office Special Response Team responded to the scene. None of the officers returned gun fire and nobody was injured.
Houston SPCA Animal Cruelty Investigators assisted with the investigation and rescued dozens of emaciated farm animals from the property.
In a press release the Houston SPCA said that they removed 58 birds that included chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and guinea fowl 11 goats, 2 donkeys, 2 horses, 1 dog, and 1 guinea fowl who were roaming among deceased animals.
“Several of the hooved animals were suffering from laminitis, an extremely painful condition that indicates a lack of farrier care,” stated the release.
A Houston SPCA veterinarian was on site along with several of their Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine students to assist with the animals.
As indicated in the release, “It took officials most of the day to remove all of the neglected and suffering animals from the scene before bringing them to the Houston SPCA for individualized veterinary care that includes introducing a proper feeding protocol.”
Deputies arrested CARLTON and booked her into the Liberty County Jail.
She is charged with cruelty to livestock animal neglect, a class A Misdemeanor, and (with) aggravated assault against a public servant, a First degree Felony.
Bond was set at $305,000.
According to online arrest records, CARLTON is still in custody.
Records show that CARLTON has been previously arrested:
2009 Disorderly Conduct
2016, January Disorderly and Interference with Public Duties
2016, September Assault on a Public Servant and Disorderly Conduct
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
#animalcruelty #animalslivesmatter #deathpenaltyforanimalabusers #neglectedanimals #deadanimals #farmanimals #dayton #libertycounty #texas
Additional Sources:
Oops, looks like CLAUDIA ANN CARLTON received a black eye for her potentially deadly greeting to a deputy. That’s never a healthy move. And her age is absolutely no excuse for the conditions she forced upon the animals that were under her supervision! She knew enough to grab a gun therefore she must suffer her consequences. Bless those animals.