- North Carolina, USA -
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department arrested 20-year-old CONNOR DE'LEON HOWARD (pictured).
According to the affidavit obtained by Voice For Us, on March 13, 2025, security camera footage at 1114 Clement Avenue captured HOWARD savagely and repeatedly attacking his dog.
Officer Tomasino with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department became aware of the incident after the outrageous video circulated on social media so he began investigating the case. Authorities were provided video of the incident by someone who lived nearby.
The footage showed HOWARD pulling into a Plaza Midwood apartment complex, getting out of a gray Toyota Corolla, opening a back door, bending over inside and ferociously swatting at something with one of his shoes. Soon after, HOWARD pulled a dog out from the backseat, pinned him/her to the ground and knee struck the pup multiple times before throwing him/her back into the car.
While the defenseless dog was being attacked, he/she was “whimpering and yelping”, stated the affidavit.
At that point, a witness stepped in and began yelling at HOWARD to stop hitting the dog. To that, HOWARD responded: “I don't give fuck about none of that.” The witness went on to say: “You cannot be hitting your dog in the head.” HOWARD then told the witness: “In the head, the stomach, don't give fuck where its at or how do it.”
The video then ends there.
People started identifying HOWARD as the individual seen in the video.
The owner of an animal rescue had posted the video of the incident on her Instagram account trying to get information on HOWARD. When she was reading the comments, she came across a comment posted by “driftininndiesel” and according to the affidavit, it read:
“My life fixin to be judge by 30 second video. My dog live great life. Am saying what did was right no. but do deserve jail time and my kids losing their dad no. Im (sic) 20. My dog, BLUE EYE (Bull dog) lives great life. don’t any one of yall people form (sic) can of paint but yall wasn’t there to witness. How much more of that video wasn’t posted yall don’t know and probably never will. Ill face what Ill face and lifes (sic) goes on. But don’t limit my anger to dog nor woman. But hey all this is, is comment out thousands. So we’ll see.”
The lady then reached out to Animal Control and the agency was able to positively identify the individual as CONNOR DE'LEON HOWARD. The affidavit stated that through investigative work, an address of 6106 Montego Drive was associated with HOWARD through a previous arrest.
Officers went to that address to make contact with HOWARD but there was no answer at the door although they could hear a dog barking from inside. When officers looked through the window, they saw a brown/white Bulldog Mix with blue eyes in a cage.
HOWARD was taken into custody on March 18, 2025, and charged with one felony count of cruelty to animals. He was booked into the Mecklenburg County Jail and released after posting a $5,000 secure bond.
Court records show that HOWARD is expected back in court on April 4, 2025, at 1:30 p.m.
The furvictim is in the care of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Animal Care and Control (ACC) and has been checked by a veterinarian.
On a separate note, arrest records also indicate that HOWARD is being charged with a probation violation and that he also had two other arrests last year.
Court records indicate the previous arrests were for separate charges of assault on a female.
Disclaimer: This story is sourced from the PC Affidavit obtained by Voice For Us. Please note that details may be removed or new information added should updates become available.
In the case of charges being dropped, dismissed, or the case being purged, this article will be rectified accordingly, if official documentation is provided to Voice For Us.
HOWARD’s mugshot shared from the Mecklenburg County Jail
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