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DAVID ALLEN SAXTON strangled a dog, cut his throat, hit him with a candle holder and buried him

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

Updated: Feb 4, 2024

⚠️WARNING⚠️The article contains details some of you may find distressing⚠️

- Pennsylvania, USA -

Through a Facebook post, the Media-based animal shelter Providence Animal Center, advised that a dog named Denali, who the shelter had adopted out, was found dead.

An investigation by Officer Jason Bell led to the discovery of Denali’s remains and the arrest of 62-years-old DAVID ALLEN SAXTON (pictured).

Daily Times reports that according to a criminal complaint filed by Officer Bell, Denali had been adopted out on August 26, 2023, to SAXTON’s daughter, Erica. She was made aware of Denali’s past behavior history “and she signed a liability waiver indicating that Denali may need professional behavior services.”

Denali was then renamed Duncan by what was supposed to be his furever loving family.

On October 4, 2023, following alleged Denali’s behavioral issues, the family filed a surrender request with the Providence Animal Center claiming that Denali showed aggressive behavior, including an alleged bite.

Initially, the family made arrangements to return Denali on October 20, 2023, but then brought the date forward to October 10, 2023.

On October 9, 2023, the Providence Animal Center called Erica and Lynne Saxon and learned that they had made plans to euthanize Denali and even booked an appointment at two local vets but these had been canceled.

On the same day, humane officers went to the Saxton’s home to perform a welfare check but they did not get an answer.

On October 10, 2023, Denali was supposed to be returned to the Providence Animal Center, but staff received a text message from the family advising them that they would not be returning him.

At that point, humane officers attempted to contact the family. They also received information from concerned citizens advising that Erica had messaged friends on social media saying that her father “Took matters into his own hands and took care of it.

Three days later, humane officers tried again to talk to the family. Officer Bell went the Saxton’s residence and again, no answer, so he posted a notice of investigation.

While on the scene, Officer Bell noticed in the rear yard a shovel “that appeared to be recently used to dig soil”, report Daily Times.

On October 15, 2023, DAVID ALLEN SAXTON turned himself into Brookhaven police and said he wanted to talk to Officer Bell.

Officer Bell questioned him and Lynne Saxton on October 18, 2023. During the interview, Lynne Saxton stated Denali was not house trained and that he chewed items in the home. She claimed that Denali had bitten her daughter and stated that no medical treatment was sought. She went on to say that she did not feel safe around Denali.

Officer Bell then questioned DAVID ALLEN SAXTON and he recounted the distressing facts that ultimately resulted in Denali’s death.

The following is reported by Daily Times:

He was sitting on the living room couch taking his work boots off when Denali started barking and lunged at him. Saxton pushed the dog backwards and Denali came back and started to nip at Saxton’s ear area but did not bite. Saxton then stood up and grabbed a dog leash that was on the end table near the couch and wrapped it around Denali’s neck in an attempt to strangle Denali with the intent to kill him. Denali fell to the floor after the struggle and Saxton thought he was dead, however Denali was gasping for air and Saxton saw his chest rising and falling.

Saxton then went into the kitchen and retrieved a large knife and returned to Denali, who was still on the floor. Saxton used the knife to lacerate the dog’s throat. He also admitted to taking a candle holder at some point and striking the dog’s head, causing the candleholder to break.

After Denali was dead, Saxton put the head and body in a trash bag and buried the carcass in the backyard.”

Officer Bell retrieved Denali’s body and a necropsy was performed by Dr. Kimberly Boudwin, chief medical officer at Providence Animal Center.

When Denali was exhumed, the leash used to strangle him was still around his neck.

Dr. Boudwin reported the cause of death was strangulation. The laceration took place after he had died.

The murderer was arraigned on October 24, 2023, and judge Robert M. D’Agostino set a meager bond of $20,000 which the murderer posted.

Court records show two dates for the murderer’s preliminary hearings. One on November 9, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. and the second one on November 29, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. both before Judge Georgia L. Stone.

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

3 comentarios

Mary Devonshire
Mary Devonshire
07 nov 2023

I have rescued 7 coonhounds, all of them came with "behavioural problems," and with patience, consistent training and lots of love, they each became wonderful pets. There is no excuse for what this evil man and the stupid women who live with him have done. They could have returned the dog immediately once they learned how dissatisfied with him they seemed to be, and could have given some other very lucky family a chance to adopt this beautiful dog. But they chose to be cruel. I hope this whole ignorant family suffers for what they have done. I don't mind saying this as strongly as possible.

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Jeanette Zam
06 nov 2023

David Saxton your 62 yrs old and when you go into a nursing home because no one would want you and I hope someone does this to you. Satan is waiting for his soul David. Just end your life now and do us all a favor. They should put you behind bars because the next thing you will do this to is a women because you could not handle man. PUSSY!! RIP Denali I cry for you.

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Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
05 nov 2023

Bless Denali’s soul! This is an awful fail on so many. This baby could have happily lived his life if only checks would have been in place. Follow-ups. Just not adopt & cross one’s fingers. This baby endured hell! RIP DENALI. BURN IN HELL DAVID SAXTON!

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