- Texas, USA -
The Dallas Zoo said in a Facebook post that on the morning of Monday, January 30, 2023, the zoo alerted the Dallas Police Department after the animal care team discovered two of their Emperor Tamarin monkeys, named Bella and Finn, were missing. “It was clear the habitat had been intentionally compromised,” said the zoo. The zoo explained that staff searched near their habitat and across zoo grounds as Emperor Tamarin monkeys “would likely stay close to home.”
The Dallas Morning News reports that when police responded, “they found the metal mesh that made up most of the enclosure’s door was ‘cut and bent in a manner and size for a person to both reach into and/or gain access to’ the enclosure.”
After the zoo provided police with footage from surveillance cameras, the Dallas Police Department posted on their Facebook page the picture of the male suspected to have stolen Bella and Finn and reached out to the community for help.
The zoo even announced that they increased the reward to $25,000 for information leading to a conviction of the individual responsible.
In an update Dallas Police advised that with the help of the Lancaster Police Department, Bella and Finn were found on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, in the closet of an abandoned home in the 2500 block of Gerry Wat Street in Lancaster, just south of Wintergreen Road, and about 20 minutes from the Dallas Zoo.
According to The Dallas Morning News, in addition to Bella and Finn, police also found multiple cats and pigeons.
The Dallas Zoo posted on Facebook they were “thrilled beyond belief” that Bella and Finn were found and that a team went to pick them up. Part of a subsequent post read: “Emperor tamarin monkeys, Bella and Finn, were so happy to snuggle into their nest sack here at the Zoo last night! Our veterinary and animal care teams have said, beyond losing a bit of weight, they show no signs of injury and both started eating and drinking almost immediately once the team completed health exams on Tuesday night. We will continue to monitor them closely, but for now, we're so glad they are safe and back with us. They will not return to the habitat in the Lacerte Family Children's Zoo for a little while still - because they were taken off-grounds, they will need to clear a quarantine period before they are reintroduced to their Zoo habitat.”
On Thursday, February 2, 2023, an employee at the Dallas World Aquarium tipped Dallas Police that the individual from the photo released by the Department, was there. Police responded and spotted 24-years-old DAVION DWIGHT IRVIN (pictured), boarding a Dallas Area Rapid Transit train before he was taken into custody.
Dallas police spokesperson Kristin Lowman said that IRVIN was going to commit another crime when he was seen at the aquarium.
In connection with the theft of Bella and Finn, IRVIN faces six charges of animal cruelty and a count of burglary.
However, IRVIN is also facing charges in connection with a string of accidents that took place at the Dallas Zoo, such as the disappearance of a Clouded Leopard named Nova on January 13, 2023, who was found hours later. Police said her enclosure had been intentionally cut.
But that’s not all. In fact, zoo staff officials later discovered torn enclosures for Langur Monkeys, who were still in their habitat, and then the unusual death of an endangered vulture named Pin.
Nine days after Pin’s death, Bella and Finn were taken.
Ms. Lowman said the investigation into Pin’s death is ongoing.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
IRVIN’s mugshot shared from the Dallas County Jail.
Bella and Finn’s pictures shared from the Dallas Zoo.
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#animalcruelty #crueldadanimal #cruautéanimale #tierquälerei #animalslivesmatter #teaxas #dallaszoo #zoo #deathpenaltyforanimalabusers
One thing positive, this chump was going to sell these blessed Bella & Finn! Sounds like he was ‘shopping’ for other zoo animals. Too bad this was his choice for a job, now he’ll be a sweeper in prison.