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DEMARCUS LAVELLE IKARD arrested for beating a horse with a knotted rope until the horse collapsed

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

Updated: Sep 18, 2021

- Mississippi, USA -

UPDATE: September 18, 2021

DEMARCUS LAVELLE IKARD (pictured below), who was charged with aggravated animal cruelty in the death of Takoda, the innocent horse he incessantly rode for several hours and then abused in Adams County, has also been charged with livestock theft in Franklin County.

Natchez The Democrat reports that Adams County Sheriff’s Office deputy Karen Ewing said Takoda had been reported stolen from Meadville.

If convicted, IKARD faces a ridiculous sentence of one to five years in prison and fines between $1,500 and $10,000 for each charge.

UPDATE: September 15, 2021

I am heartbroken and this is an update I was hoping to not post.

Takoda did not make it and lost his precious life.

Natchez The Democrat reports: “ At approximately 11:30 p.m. Saturday, Adams County Sheriff Travis Patten confirmed the horse had died after receiving critical veterinary care since Wednesday.”

I will tell you this, I will fight until the killing of an animal will be tried in court like the killing of a human being and therefore, those who kill animals get the same sentence as those who kill humans!!!

~ Original story:

On Wednesday, September 8, the Adams County Sheriff’s Office received a call about a horse who was lying in a ditch and being beaten with a red rope with a knot in it.

Deputies dispatched to the area, met with 24-years-old DEMARCUS LAVELLE IKARD (pictured below).

Natchez The Democrat reports that Major Frank Smith with the Adams County Sheriff’s Office said: “During our conversation he admitted he had ridden the horse from U.S. 84 at Highway 33 in Franklin County all the way out to Lee Road off of U.S. 61 North near the Natchez Adams County Airport.”

Major Smith said that IKARD started riding the horse at 11:00 a.m. and the report was made at approximately 6:00 p.m.

Major Smith reported: “He said he stopped one time but he hadn’t watered the horse or anything like that and the horse just fell out on him. He was beating the horse in the face and in the head with this red knotted rope. He said he was trying to get it to get back up. Deputies observed numerous abrasions and the horse’s eye was swollen shut.”

Newsbreak reports that Deputy Karen Ewing named the horse Takoda and said: “While I’m awake and can’t stop thinking how much I always believe every animal needs a name. I’m naming him tonight. Takoda is going to be his name from now on. Maybe a beautiful Indian name will bring out his fighting spirit and the strength in him to keep him fighting to pull through this horrible abuse. Keep up the fight beautiful boy. We’re all praying and pulling for you.”

Takoda is now at Tracey Peltier of Southside Veterinary Clinic in Natchez and is in critical condition.

As reported by Natchez The Democrat, Major Smith said: “The horse’s temperature was extremely high and they tried to cool the horse down and even after a few hours, the horse’s temperature was still very high.”

On Saturday, September 11, Adam County Sheriff Travis Patten said: “Dr. Larkin instructed us not to move the horse this weekend because it is still considered to be in critical condition.”

IKARD, one of the worst human feces I have written about, was arrested on a felony animal abuse charge. Online records show this human trash bonded out of Adams County Jail.

According to Mississippi law, conviction of such a charge could result in a prison sentence between one and five years and fines between $1,500 and $10,000.

I have emailed the Adams County Sheriff’s Office to inquire about Takoda and if I get a response, I will post an update.

Please, keep Takoda in your pawsitive thoughts. Thanks!

DEMARCUS LAVELLE IKARD, some people will say: “Who is the animal here?”, but not me, I am not going to insult animals and associate a monster like you with them.

I’ll tell you this, in a decent country, you would be tied to a tree and be beaten until your worthless body bled profusely and then you would be buried alive with hands and feet tied!!!

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

1 Comment

Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Sep 14, 2021

Human feces, yup, great reference for DEMARCUS LAVELLE IKARD. This scum must be held responsible for his brutality of Takoda! I am praying for you sweet boy! I am so sorry this POS hurt you.

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