- Ohio, USA -
Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh announced that on April 12, a Summit County Grand Jury indicted 35-year-old DEON DETWAIN DOWNER (pictured below), for cruelty to animals after two dogs were found in a home where DOWNER had lived.
DOWNER, of Akron, was charged with two felonies of 5th degree counts of cruelty to animals, and one count MISDEMEANOR of 1st degree abandoned animals.
According to a Facebook post by Prosecutor Walsh, on March 8, 2021, the owner of a home on Lakeland Avenue in Akron called police after discovering two dogs inside the home.
Sadly, one was dead.
The second dog was not far from death and was taken to Metro Animal Hospital for treatment.
DOWNER had lived in the home and moved out just days before the dogs were discovered.
I guess surrendering the unwanted dogs before moving out would have been too humane for a monster like DOWNER.
This monster is scheduled to be arraigned April 28, in Judge Alison McCarty’s courtroom.
DOWNER will have an attorney to defend his INDEFENSIBLE actions because he is entitled to be defended even if he took a precious life.
Who will defend the poor dogs?
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
