- Louisiana, USA -
The Grant Parish Sheriff’s Office held a news conference on Wednesday, June 9, to announce the arrest of 27-year-old DESTINY LOUISE DUNN (pictured below), for multiple counts of animal cruelty.
DUNN’s arrest follows an investigation conducted by GPSO and the Animal Control Center after an anonymous tip led them to a home in Pollock.
Grant Parish Sheriff Steven McCain said: “It was cats, kittens, rabbits, guinea pigs, puppies and dogs. After the animals had died, she kept the dead bodies in her house.”
Officials discovered three dead animals in DUNN’s home.
Twelve other animals were rescued and are now in a safe place.
Sheriff McCain said: “They found that animals had been put in cages and had not been fed. Animals had been neglected. According to the veterinarian, they were considered to be emaciated, which means that they were very thin from a lack of food.”
Sheriff McCain also said that DUNN would respond to posts on Facebook from people looking to give away their animal and say she would rescue them, but instead was starving the animals.
He then urged people to be cautious and said: “Please be very careful. If you get to the point where you have to surrender your pet and try to find a good home, make sure they are actually going to a good and safe home.”
DUNN’s charges include :
8 counts of cruelty to animals.
4 counts of aggravated cruelty to animals
3 counts of cremation or burial of animal carcasses
Sheriff McCain said they learned that over the last eight or ten years there have been two other criminal investigations involving DESTINY LOUISE DUNN in two other jurisdictions, Avoyelles Parish and Montgomery.
In both cases they were crimes against animals.
Sheriff McCain explained that the Animal Control Division is something fairly new to Grant Parish, that it was created several years ago, and that has been a “huge, huge help” to the entire community.
He said that since January 1, 2021, they have already received 585 calls.
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