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Dog’s guardian drives 1,200 miles to be reunited with his dog after six months – Voice For Us

- Tennessee, USA -

The Washington County, TN Animal Shelter wrote in a Facebook post that a dog they named Blue, went missing just over six months ago and his guardian Pat searched all over for him.

Sadly, Pat had to leave Tennessee and moved to Texas for work.

Thinking he would never see Blue again, Pat was surprised when a friend of his saw a video of Blue playing ball at the shelter and immediately sent it to him.

Pat then contacted the shelter and said: “That’s my dog!”

He was already in Texas at the time, so he drove 1,200 miles to go get his dog.

An emotional video posted by the Washington County, TN Animal Shelter, shows a tearful Pat that while he is thanking the staff for taking such a good care of Blue, the furbaby just wags his tail non-stop, licks him all over, and jumps up and down with a tennis ball in his mouth.

The shelter wrote that while they don’t have many stories with a happy ending, this is why they “NEVER GIVE UP!”

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