- Florida, USA -
Here is a worthless subhuman who SENSELESSLY, INTENTIONALLY, and FATALLY injured a defenseless kitten after an argument with his girlfriend.
Fort Myers Police Department say that on the afternoon of Sunday June 13, during an argument with his girlfriend, 48-year-old DUMETRICE LAQUAWN WILSON (pictured below), grabbed his girlfriend’s 8-week-old kitten named Boomer and severely injured the furbaby.
WINK reports that Lee County Domestic Animal Services said Boomer “had been kicked, stomped and thrown against a wall.”
When the animal control officer responded to the scene, Boomer was not moving and breathing heavily.
Boomer was then euthanized.
WILSON was detained when officers took his girlfriend back home after she had left the home and rushed to the police following the incident.
WILSON faces a charge of torturing or inflicting pain, serious physical injury or death on an animal.
Online records show this human trash is due in court on the early morning of July 12, 2021.
WINK further reports that WISLON has a history of domestic violence.
In fact, in 2020, he was arrested for battery after smacking a woman in the face but the charges were ultimately dropped.
Also, records show that in 2020, WILSON was arrested after violating a protective order when he followed an ex-girlfriend home.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
