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ELLIOTT PALMER, Lorain Police officer, murdered a young Labrador because he feared for his life

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

- Ohio, USA -

I cannot begin to imagine what a person goes through when their beloved furbaby is murdered by someone who swore to protect and serve!

Not just in Lorain County Ohio, but across the globe people are furious, indignant, disappointed, and most of all, heartbroken by what happened to an innocent 3-year-old Labrador/golden retriever mix named Dixie.

Ms. Tammie Kerns recounted with 3News what happened on Sunday, July 2, 2023.

It was early afternoon when four of her dogs got scared by nearby fireworks and got out of the house, so with the help of her daughter Mellenie she tried to round them up to get them back inside the home on Oberlin Avenue near 8th Street, Lorain.

Some news outlets reported that the dogs got loose as Tammie and her daughter were getting ready to leave to run some errands.

Body camera footage of the incident has been released and calls for justice for Dixie are growing louder than ever.

According to Tammie, a Lorain Police officer, identified as ELLIOTT PALMER, pulled up to her home, exited the vehicle, and told her and her daughter to get the dogs under control.

During the commotion, Dixie ran out into the street.

The graphic footage shows Dixie wagging her tail while playfully running toward her murderer. PALMER claimed he feared for his life and instead of firing a shot in the air, he fired at Dixie. The furbaby then collapsed and ran away into the street while she was bleeding. Sadly, Dixie died at the scene. Dixie did not die right away and did not die comforted by her family because as Tammie walked towards PALMER, he ordered her to stay away from her dog. In the distance Dixie can be seen dragging herself toward the sidewalk, alone, frightened, and confused.

Tammie rightfully told 3News: “After she was shot one time in the street, he should have just let it go and let us get the dog and take her where she needed to be treated. But he didn't do that. She was crawling -- useless, helpless -- in the street. He continued shooting her as she was trying to come to safety, and he just kept shooting her three more times after the first time.”

The video has been watched countless times and shared across the globe. Despite what we can all see, Captain Michael Failing, Acting Chief of Police, said in a media release that “an officer of the Lorain Police Department used force on a dog.”

I call what I saw murder!

On Friday, July 7, 2023, a Justice for Dixie rally took place outside the Lorain Police Department. The rally was held to show support for Dixie’s family, and to call for the removal of her murderer from the Lorain Police Department.

News 5 reports that Lorain Police Lt. Jacob Morris spoke with the crowd and said: “It’s great to see the concern from the community. It doesn’t have to be flattering, but it tells us exactly what concerns our community. I want to offer our condolences to the Kerns family; regardless of the situation, they're dealing with the loss of a family member, and it hurts to even say that we were involved in that.” Lt. Morris went on to say: “I know there is outrage, hurt, anger, but all of this makes a difference. We hope that it can make us better in the long run. This is about Dixie, but it certainly does open some doors up of conversations that need to be had.”

Dixie’s family repeatedly made a point that they do not approve any form of violence or threats against PALMER.

According to News 5, Jack Bradley, Lorain’s Mayor, told the news agency that PALMER is working desk duty while an internal investigation is ongoing.

WKYC reports that Lorain police said PALMER “is a young officer who is only been on the force two to three years.” Meanwhile Dixie’s family rightfully wants to sue the Department “if justice is not served.”

On Sunday, July 9, 2023, a vigil took place to remember Dixie. As reported by The Chronicle, Tammie said the turnout was further evidence of how much support the family has and how their story has touched people. Tammie said: “I am speechless, I am amazed. I want to thank everyone in our community and outside that came out today to show their support.”

I echo Tammie’s words, “He should lose his job. He should go to jail. He should rot.”

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.


Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon

I am so fucking mad right now reading about Dixie’s cold-blooded murder by the cop ELLIOTT PALMER! I am furious. Enzo was tasered to death in California & now Dixie is shot multiple times by this cowardly monster Palmer! He must be removed from the force & not allowed to work in police ever for the remainder of his small & foul life! Damn, this breaks my heart. Dixie you are a blessed soul. Baby I’m so sorry your life ended so horribly.

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