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FRANK JAVIER FONSECA sentenced to 25 years behind bars for animal cruelty

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

- Texas, USA -

Almost three years after 56-years-old FRANK JAVIER FONSECA (pictured) was caught on camera torturing his defenseless dog, a sentence has finally been handed down.

In June 2022, in the 226th District Court, FONSECA was sentenced to 25 years in prison, which is one of the longest punishments for animal cruelty ever recorded in Texas.

FONSECA had past felony convictions which also determined a heavier sentence.

It all started on February 5, 2019, in the 1200 block of Fenfield in the City of San Antonio when a Good Samaritan recorded FONSECA in his front porch repeatedly hitting his dog, a Rottweiler named Buddy.

Animal Care Services said that the graphic video showed FONSECA hitting Buddy first with his fists, he then used a piece of wood and he then went on to kick and choke Buddy.

FONSECA justified his vile action by saying to investigators that he was punishing Buddy for getting out of the yard.

Court records show FONSECA was arrested in September 2021.

Thankfully, Buddy recovered from his physical injuries and now lives with a new adoptive family.

I hope that Buddy also recovered emotionally from the horrific ordeal he experienced.

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