- West Virginia, USA -
Mingo County Sheriff’s Office said that Corporal L. Thomas and Deputy TJ Justice have arrested 75-year-old GLENNA FAYE ADAIR (pictured below).
ADAIR was arrested after 106 live cats and 12 deceased cats were removed from her home.
12WBOY reports that Guardians of Rescue and Pitiful Paws Rescue obtained the search warrant after a concerned neighbor complained about the residence.
Rescuers described the conditions as ‘hellish’.
A total of eight organizations helped with the removal of the poor furbabies who were being kept as prisoners.
As reported by WSAZ, according to the criminal complaint, on February 6, Mingo County Sheriff deputies were dispatched to ADAIR’s home in Delbarton.
Deputies discovered 59 cats who were starved and eating one another, and many were trapped in cages.
The following day deputies went back to the home and rescued approximately 30 cats.
James Houchins, Field Director with Guardians of Rescue, told 12WBOY: “We always go into these situations thinking that we’ve seen it all, that we’ve seen the worst of the worst, but you know you can never really prepare for what you see in these things.”
The Sheriff’s Office said that ADAIR was charged with Felony Animal Cruelty - Improper sustenance, including food and water.
The poor cats are suffering from various conditions.
Sadly, those who cannot be treated will be euthanized.
If you can afford to make a donation to Guardians of Rescue and Pitiful Paws Rescue to help them out financially, please visit their websites. Thank you!
Pictures shared from Guardians of Rescue and Pitiful Paws Rescue.
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