- Nebraska, USA -
On Tuesday, April 27, authorities have arrested 41-year-old GRANT LEE EDWARDSON (pictured below), after cattle was found dead and injured on his property in March.
KSNB Local reports that on March 5, 2021, Hall County Sheriff deputies responded to a barn fire at 4078 W. Wildwood Road in Grand Island.
According to the arrest affidavit, Hall County Deputy Melissa Kier saw “a raw of dead cattle in a pen, not directly next to the barn, with drag marks showing the cattle were moved. In a pen next to the barn, she also observed a cattle shelter with dead cattle in three stalls and another dead cow in the middle of the pen under a wood panel.”
Court documents say the deceased cattle appeared to have been dead for some time.
Animal control were called in and officers Morgan Mohr and Jessie Romero took over the investigation.
They then found several live cows who appeared to be in poor condition and more deceased cows as well as those found by deputy Kier.
There were also cattle inside the burning barn.
Dr. Kendal Smith-Gomez with Animal Clinic of Hastings responded to the scene to examine the living and dead cattle and found twenty-one dead bovine animals and six living ones.
While examining one cow, the veterinarian noted her dental condition indicated she would have not died due to winter conditions if adequate feed were available.
She also reported that three calves had little to no cardiac or renal fat indicating emaciation and starvation prior to death.
In another area, Dr. Smith-Gomez examined ten dead cows and seven dead calves who were in a row top of one another.
According to the affidavit all seven calves were emaciated prior to death.
There were also two bulls who were severely emaciated and the veterinarian recommended to euthanize them.
The other animals she examined showed signs of malnutrition.
EDWARDSON claimed the cows all died during the winter and, due to a dispute with the Darling rendering plant, he could not have the cows picked up.
However, officer Mohr spoke with the plant and learned that they had not done business with EDWARDSON since 2018.
The Hall County Attorney’s Office attempted to notify EDWARDSON via letter about his court date and when he failed to appear, an arrest warrant was issued.
EDWARDSON has been charged with 24 felony counts of abandon/cruel neglect of livestock resulting in injury or death.
He’s also been charged with three misdemeanor counts of abandon/cruelly neglect livestock.
EDWARDSON appeared in Hall County Court on Wednesday, April 28, and his bond was set at $5,000.
Online records show he was released after posting 10 percent of the bond.
EDWARDSON’s preliminary hearing is scheduled to take place on the morning of June 22.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
