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GRETA L. ANDERSON arrested and thirty-one animals removed from a Washoe County property

- Nevada, USA -


Washoe County Regional Animal Services announced the arrest of 72-years-old GRETA L. ANDERSON (pictured) following an investigation they launched back in October.


In a media release, the agency said that the investigation began on October 16, 2023, after animal welfare concerns were brought to their attention.


After obtaining and executing a search warrant on a property in Washoe County, authorities were able to remove five (5) horses and twenty-six (26) dogs.


Washoe County Regional Animal Services said: “The animals were found to be living in a variety of unacceptable physical and environmental conditions and were promptly removed to ensure their safety and well-being” but no additional details were disclosed.


As the investigation progressed, a warrant was then issued for the arrest of ANDERSON, identified as the animals’ guardian. She was placed under arrest on December 27, 2023, and booked into the Washoe County Jail on two felony counts of willful/malicious torture and maiming or killing an animal, and two misdemeanor counts of failing to provide food/water/air for a confined animal.


Washoe County Regional Animal Services are currently housing all the furvictims.

Records show that ANDERSON is no longer in custody.


I have requested additional information about the animals and if I get a response, I will post an update.


Washoe County Regional Animal Services encourages anyone who has information related to any potential animal welfare concerns to contact them at 775 - 322 - DOGS (3647) or Thank you!


Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Link included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.



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1 Comment

Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Dec 31, 2023

Another hoarder. Animals suffer when these people don’t give a damn concerning their welfare. They are abusers as well. No excuses. This woman should not be allowed the company of any animals for the remainder of her existence.

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