- Wisconsin, USA -
On Friday, February 5, 31-year-old ISHMAEL LEVI MORAN (pictured below), was charged for kicking an innocent dog to death.
Wisconsin State Journal reports that MORAN was “charged with felony animal mistreatment, disorderly conduct and two counts of bail jumping for the incident, which police said happened Monday night outside Porchlight, 306 N. Brooks St., where Moran was living.”
According to the report, on Monday, February 1, a man was walking his girlfriend’s dog, a Yorkshire terrier named Bella, when he encountered MORAN.
According to the man, MORAN appeared to be intoxicated, called the man names, and then pushed him.
The man stated he left the elevator to stop things from spiraling out of control with MORAN, but MORAN confronted him again, and kicked Bella.
The man told police Bella was kicked very hard in the underbelly.
As a result of the kick, the furbaby fell and did not get up.
The man told police MORAN laughed and said: “the dog deserved it.”
When Bella was taken upstairs to the apartment, she was breathing but was unconscious and unable to get up.
Bella’s guardian could not afford to take the furbaby to an emergency clinic and Bella lost her precious life a couple of hours later.
The following day a necropsy was performed on her small body and results showed she had sustained multiple rib fractures and other internal injuries, including internal bleeding.
On Friday, MORAN was ordered jailed on $2,500 bail.
Court records show this is now the fifth open felony case currently pending against this murderer.
This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
