- Florida, USA -
The Nassau County Sheriff’s Office said that 21-year-old JACOB EUGENE THORNTON (pictured below), was arrested on Wednesday, February 24, on an animal cruelty charge.
THORNTON is accused of beating a Pitbull to death with a baseball bat.
jacksonville.com reports that deputies were called to THORNTON’s residence by Nassau County Animal Services after they discovered the deceased furbaby.
According to the report, the Pitbull had attacked a puppy whose guardian was in the shower when the incident happened.
Someone else was in the home and broke up the fight.
The puppy was then taken to a veterinarian.
As reported by jacksonville.com, when THORNTON heard what happened between the two dogs, he took the Pitbull outside “to discipline it.”
THORNTON then went back inside the home screaming “you don't have to worry anymore because the dog is dead.”
According to the report, the Pitbull had a screw protruding from him/her.
THORNTON, of Bismark Road, was charged with felony cruelty to animals and released on $1,000 bail the next day.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Link included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
