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JESUS JOSE VEGA murdered an innocent cat unable to fight back and unable to call 911 for help

- Texas, USA -

On Saturday, April 10, El Paso County Sheriff’s Office arrested 42-year-old JESUS JOSE VEGA (pictured below) on animal cruelty charges after the violent death of a cat.

Deputies responded to the 100 block of E. Main in Fabens, where witnesses said they saw VEGA repeatedly strike a defenseless cat against a pole and the ground.

Sadly, the furbaby died from injuries sustained.

It’s unclear whether witnesses tried to step in to take the victim away from VEGA.

The filthy murderer was booked into the El Paso County Detention Facility for cruelty non-livestock animal: Kill/Poison/SBI.

Online records show he was released the following day after posting a $10,000 bond.

Voice For Us believes that the judge who let VEGA go is just as guilty of the senseless death of an innocent tiny creature.

The cat could not fight back and could not dial 911 for help!

Voice For Us further believes that the message has been sent loud and clear by the judge who let the murderer free: You can kill an animal in El Paso County and you will walk free afterward!

Lawmakers must come together and realize that the death of an animal must be dealt with in the same way as the death of a person!

Life is life whether it comes on legs, paws, or wings!!!

This story has sickened me to my very core!!!

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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