- Connecticut, USA -
Animal control officer Sean Godejohn with the East Haven Animal Shelter responded to a report of a stray dog in the Sylvan Hills Road area on the early morning of Wednesday, June 16.
East Haven Animal Shelter said in a Facebook post that officer Godejohn found an emaciated male Pitbull mix and immediately took him to the shelter’s emergency veterinarian who put him on IV fluids due to his dehydration.
The furbaby, who staff estimated to be only 6-9 months old, was found to be in very poor condition and with severe pressure sores on his body.
East Haven Animal Shelter said they were offering a $500 reward for any information leading to the person responsible for the dog’s condition.
In a subsequent post, the shelter advised that Desmond's Army added an additional $1,000 to the reward.
Patch reports that animal control officer Owen Little told the news outlet that after posts were shared, a woman contacted him and explained that she was the dog’s previous guardian and that she then gave the furbaby to 26-year-old KAITLIN TENNER (pictured below).
Reportedly, an affidavit was also signed to that effect.
Officer Godejohn launched an investigation and after one day he was able to locate TENNER.
You can imagine what TENNER said, we’ve heard it before!
She claimed the puppy “ran away” and had been missing for two weeks.
Officer Godejohn asked her whether she had alerted the police or anyone else and she said no!
People like TENNER are truly stupid for thinking that they can lie to animal control officers or veterinarians and get away with it!
Officer Godejohn determined TENNER’s explanation was not plausible as the sores on the dog suggested he been kept in a crate for a long time and was not properly cared for.
He told Patch: “She dumped the dog.”
Furthermore, FOX61 reports that Central Veterinary Hospital said it's clear the dog had not been missing for two weeks because of his frail condition.
TENNER has been arrested and hit with multiple animal cruelty charges.
FOX61 reports that the furbaby has been named Deuce and is headed to an animal foster home for continued care.
In a month or two, he will be up for adoption.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.