- Ohio, USA -
In a news release, the Preble County Sheriff’s Office said that on December 27, 2022, deputies received a call about a Beagle puppy who had been dumped at the intersection of Verona Road and Sonora Road, in a small plastic crate.
Deputies responded to the scene and found the crate with the puppy inside. As indicated in the release, “On this particular day, it was 25 degrees outside.”
The release goes on to explain that “The dog was barely able to move and was taken by deputies for emergency medical treatment at a local veterinarian. The veterinarian determined that the dog was approximately 22-weeks old and was found to be malnourished, very thin, suffered from decreased muscle loss, and was dehydrated.”
Deputies launched an investigation to locate the person(s) responsible for dumping the VOICELESS VICTIM.
The sheriff’s office said that the investigation led to a search warrant being served at the residence of 26-years-old KAYLA RAE BROWN (pictured), of Lewisburg.
BROWN was placed under arrest at her residence on January 30, 2023, and charged with two misdemeanor counts of animal cruelty, one felony count of animal cruelty and one count of falsification. On January 31, 2023, BROWN appeared in Eaton Municipal Court where her bond was set at $25,085.00 cash. Online records show she is still in custody.
Court records show BROWN’s hearing is set to take place on February 8, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.
I have emailed Preble County Sheriff Michael Simpson to inquire about the puppy and he told me that the puppy is a male. He also said: “We understood his name to be Jett. He has since been adopted out to a great home. Not sure if he kept his same name or not.”
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Link included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
BROWN’s mugshot shared from the Preble County Sheriff’s Office
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