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KELVIN LEON FOSTER arrested and charged with thirty counts of ill treatment of animals

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

- South Carolina, USA -

The York County Sheriff’s Office said in a press release that on the early morning of Sunday, September 25, 2022, more than eighty dogs were removed as part of an “operation to combat illegal breeding and fighting dogs in York County.”

The sheriff’s office said that the operation was coordinated by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED).

Deputies with the York County Sheriff’s Office assisted with executing a search warrant at adjoining properties off of the 1800 block of Wildcat Creek Road, in Rock Hill.

According to the release, thirty Beagles and fifty Pitbulls were found and seized by York County Animal Control “and a contract company that specializes in rescuing fighting dogs.”

The sheriff’s office said that during the search, three people were taken into custody on other charges in reference to stolen property and various narcotics charges.

York County Sheriff Kevin Tolson said: “Animal cruelty on any level is disturbing. We’re grateful to work with all levels of law enforcement to combat the evilness of animal fighting. I urge the courts to help render justice from this point moving forward.”

I contacted the York County Sheriff to find out whether there were deceased animals on the premises and the spokesperson for the sheriff's office said: “Not to my knowledge.”

I asked whether the identity of the arrestees could be released, and I was told that 60-years-old KELVIN LEON FOSTER (pictured), is the only individual charged by the York County Sheriff’s Office with ill treatment of animals.

The sheriff’s office kindly provided me with some of the pictures of the Beagles who were removed. The Pitbulls are considered evidence in an ongoing criminal investigation.

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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1 Comment

Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Sep 26, 2022

Hey KELVIN LEON FOSTER, if & when you get out of prison, why not try to get a real job, where you actually work, instead of getting money off the backs of dogs! I’m so sick of breeders & those that use dogs for fighting. 80 dogs! Looking at those ’kennels’ & I use that word sarcastically, you did not even offer these blessed souls a safe place to rest their wee heads. I bet food was as rare as comfort. You truly suck Kelvin!

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