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KONRAD JACOB KLEIN murdered a puppy and Dickinson County Circuit Court gifted him with probation

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

- Michigan USA -

On Monday, June 19, 2023, in Dickinson County Circuit Court, 27-years-old KONRAD JACOB KLEIN (pictured) was gifted with a delayed sentence and placed on probation for murdering an innocent puppy named Lenny.

In September 2022, the Iron Mountain Police Department received an animal abuse complaint from Guardian Vets, an answering service.

According to a criminal complaint obtained by Voice For Us, on September 19, 2022, KLEIN had called Guardian Vets and told an employee that his yellow Labrador puppy named Lenny had gone to the bathroom in the house five times that week. KLEIN went on to tell the employee that he “just took it too far” and told her that Lenny was bleeding from the mouth, gasping for breath, and couldn’t stand.

The employee told police that she advised KLEIN to take Lenny to the closest 24-hour animal hospital, BluePearl Pet Hospital, in Appleton, Wisconsin.

The employee further stated that the following day, when she called KLEIN to ask him if Lenny had been seen by a veterinarian, KLEIN said: “No, it’s all good. It worked itself out.”

The employee asked KLEIN whether Lenny was dead, and KLEIN repeated “it’s all good” before disconnecting the call.

The Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office took over the case and assumed the investigation because the incident took place in Felch Township.

When KLEIN was questioned, he eventually admitted to investigators that he had hit and kicked Lenny in the side. KLEIN claimed he “did not know the extra strength in the moment.” KLEIN told investigators he was feeling stressed at the time because of what he was going through. KLEIN claimed Lenny died while KLEIN was driving him to get help. According to KLEIN, he buried Lenny at his brother’s house in Green Bay.

In November 2022, KLEIN was served a warrant and he then turned himself into the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office on one felony count of killing/torturing an animal.

Dickinson County Circuit Court was very generous with KLEIN and showed him all the compassion he did not show Lenny!

Judge Christopher Ninomiya, who sentenced this filthy murderer, placed KLEIN on probation pending a delayed sentence.

As reported by WLUC, according to court documents, “conditions of his delayed sentence include a 1 year probation, during which he must complete a mental health and domestic violence intervention. In addition, he must not own, possess, or care for an animal.”

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

Lenny’s pictures provided to Voice For Us by the Dickinson County Prosecuting Attorney's Office.

KLEIN’s mugshot provided to Voice For Us by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office.

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1 Comment

Lisa Justice
Jul 25, 2023

The dude killing am innocent puppy is SICK and this court system here in DICK SUCK COUNTY is even more SICK! THEY ALLOW CRIMINALS LIKE THIS GUY TO WALK FREE EVERYDAY HERE yet stick ppl in jail for driving on a suspended license for simple unpaid traffic citations. Dickinson county judges need to pull their heads out of their asses!!

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