- Colorado, USA -
The First Judicial District Attorney's Office announced that 61-years-old LARYSA PAVLONA LEUCHANKA (pictured below), was sentenced on Tuesday, August 24, for animal cruelty charges in Jefferson County.
On June 23, LEUCHANKA pled guilty to cruelty to animals – neglect or mistreatment.
The sentence stems from an incident that happened on April 13, 2021, when LEUCHANKA, an unlicensed dog breeder, was driving on Interstate 70 with a dog and a puppy unsecured in the back of a U-Haul.
A witness saw the dog hanging out of the back of the trailer so they honked and got LEUCHANKA to pull over.
LEUCHANKA was made aware of the danger to the furbabies but she did not do anything about it and drove off.
Animal control officers from the Lakewood Police Department were dispatched to the scene and began their investigation.
The following day, they were notified by Jefferson County Animal Control that the dog later fell out of the trailer on Interstate 70 and was taken to Foothills Animal Shelter where LEUCHANKA confirmed that the dog was hers. LEUCHANKA also verified a picture showing the dog perched on the back of the trailer.
Officials said the dog was hurt but did not reveal the extent of the injuries.
LEUCHANKA will not be going to jail for what she did!
She was simply sentenced to five years probation.
The terms of LEUCHANKA’s community supervision prohibit her from being in contact with the dogs who were victimized and owning or breeding any animal.
Allie Galvan, a Deputy District Attorney in the First Judicial District (Gilpin/Jefferson), said: “The defendant’s neglect for the safety of the dogs in her care resulted in one being injured but it could have been much worse. We are satisfied with the court's decision to ensure that other animals in our community won't be placed in similar danger.”
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