- Illinois, USA -
The LaSalle Police Department arrested 20-years-old LUCAS R. RAMEY (pictured), in connection with the death of a puppy.
On the afternoon of Friday, September 2, officers responded to a property in the 500 block of Bucklin Street in LaSalle, regarding the suspicious death of a dog.
Upon arrival, they discovered a lifeless puppy wrapped in a trash bag.
The furbaby, believed to be only four months old, appeared to be a mix of a German Shepherd and Blue Heeler.
From an investigation it emerged RAMEY had strangled the furbaby who subsequently died due to the injuries that RAMEY inflicted on her.
RAMEY told police he was upset with the puppy after she kept pooping around the house.
The filthy murderer, of Mendota, was placed under arrest on a felony animal cruelty charge and transported to LaSalle County Jail.
On Sunday, September 4, 2022, RAMEY appeared in LaSalle County Circuit Court before Judge Todd L. Martin for a bond hearing.
Bond was set at $50,000 and the murderer needs to post $5,000 to be released from jail.
Online arrest records show RAMEY is still in custody.
If RAMEY posts bond, he is prohibited from returning to the home he was visiting on Bucklin Street where he murdered the puppy and having contact with the puppy’s guardian.
According to court records, RAMEY is expected back in court on Thursday, September 8, 2022, at 9:00 a.m.
LaSalle Police Chief Michael Smudzinski said: “Animals do not ask for much in life other than human affection and a safe and sheltered home. This type of grotesque behavior needs to have consequences.”
Let’s hope the judge feels the same and will let RAMEY rot in prison!
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
#animalcruelty #animalslivesmatter #deathpenaltyforanimalabusers #deadpuppy #killedpuppy #murderedpuppy #strangledpuppy #lasalle #mendota #illinois

After reading about the sadistic cruelty of LUCAS R. RAMEY, I am disgusted. Why are these cowards taking their inabilities out on defenseless animals, this one a 4-month puppy?! Because they are bullies who desire power! I agree with the author & pray the judge in this case lets this powerless POS rot in jail! RIP PUPPY SOUL