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LUIS ALBERTO VALLELANES arrested - More than a hundred birds and five dogs removed from his duplex

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

- Tennessee, USA -


The Memphis Police Department arrested 47-years-old LUIS ALBERTO VALLELANES (pictured).


Police said it all started with a noise complaint by a neighbor of one Nutbush home.

Animal Control Officers with Memphis Animal Services responded to VALLELANES’ home in the 4000 block of Bayliss Avenue after a neighbor complained that there were multiple noisy roosters, chickens, and pigs.


ACO went to the property to confront VALLELANES.  He became defensive, and caused a disturbance, so Memphis Police were called in for assistance.

ACO said he took about three to four dogs inside the house from the backyard.

ACO reported seeing a dog, who was tied to an iron chain, with injuries that could be similar to injuries caused by dogfighting. According to ACO, the dog also had a swollen, fresh bite on the front of the neck, along with abrasions on both his ears, bloodshot eyes, and a slight limp.


Oficers also saw roosters, hens and chickens who were being kept in inadequate, cramped, and feces-coated cages. The cages had no bedding or protection from the elements.

ACO that the roosters had their combs and spurs cut, an indication of cockfighting.


On Monday, January 8, 2024, Memphis Police assisted MAS ACO with the removal of more than a hundred birds and five dogs.


In a Facebook post, MAS said: “Our final count was 107 birds from this case.”

The post goes on to say: “Memphis Animal Services has just taken in 85 birds from one location in what may be a long, drawn-out court case. We do not have the staff, space, or other resources to care for [these] many animals, and an intake this huge will impact the level of care received across all areas of the building.”


As explained in the post, what would help MAS cope with this new challenge is fosters and adopters for cats and dogs who were already at the shelter.

MAS advised that none of the birds are available at this time, and they don't know if or when they will be.


Please check with MAS if you are interested in adopting and/or fostering. Thank you!


VALLELANES is charged with one felony count of aggravated cruelty to animals. Online arrest records maintained by the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office show that VALLELANES’ hearing is scheduled for January 10, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.


Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.


VALLELANES’ mugshot shared from the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office

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1 Comment

Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Jan 10, 2024

This sleeze bag only received only one felony count of aggravated cruelty?! WTH?! Lock this cruel dog / rooster fighter away! I detest animal fighters!!! They are all absolute cowards!

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