- Texas, USA -
On Tuesday, May 4, the El Paso Police Department arrested 31-year-old human feces MANUEL ALBERTO SOTO JR. (pictured below).
According to the news release by the Department, SOTO JR. was arrested in connection with an incident that happened on the afternoon of April 19.
A witness reported seeing a vehicle approach the intersection of Lomita Drive and Eastland Street, by Lomaland Park abandon a Pitbull mix dog in the middle of the street, and speed off as the furbaby chased after the vehicle.
The Department said that after following the vehicle a short distance, the witness returned to the intersection to find the scared dog whining, waiting for her guardian to return.
Investigators later identified SOTO JR. as the evil individual who SENSELESSLY and CALLOUSLY abandoned an innocent dog who was unable to dial 911 for help!
SOTO JR. has been charged with cruelty to non-livestock animals/abandonment.
He was booked into the El Paso County Detention Facility on a $2,000 bond and online records show he was released the same day!!!
As stated in the news release, “Abandoning an animal in a person's custody without making reasonable arrangements for assumption of custody by another person is a Class A Misdemeanor in Texas.”
Police did not say what happened to the furbaby.
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