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MARK KRISTIAN KARNS arrested after his dog was found starving outside in freezing temperatures

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

Updated: Feb 28, 2022

- Oklahoma, USA -

The Tulsa Police Department announced the arrest of 34-years-old MARK KRISTIAN KARNS (pictured below).

Police said in a news release that on February 24, a report came in about a dog tied up outside who appeared to be “very thin and starving.”

Officers went to apartments near 8th and Birmingham to investigate the complaint and found a dog, a Basset Hound, on a short leash outside one of the units.

The VOICELESS VICTIM had protruding bones on his/her rib cage, spine, and hips, and also had a sunken in stomach.

The release stated the dog was “violently shaking as it was around 20 degrees outside at the time. The dog also appeared to be very sick.”

When officers talked to KARNS, he told them the dog had been outside for 40 minutes. Witnesses, however, stated the furbaby had been out for several days.

According to police, KARNS said the reason why he put his dog outside was because he/she kept vomiting inside the house.

There is no mention as to why KARNS did not seek veterinary care but chose to park his dog outside!

Tulsa Animal Welfare were called in and examined the dog. They determined the poor soul needed medical attention so they took him/her to a veterinarian.

The vet found the dog’s weight to be 22 lbs. when the weight should have been at least 40-60 lbs.

The furbaby is now receiving medical care in hopes of recovery.

Allow me to ask you all to please send pawsitive thoughts/prayers. Thank you!

KARNS is a soulless, heartless, and worthless individual who is too vile to rot in jail.

Criminals in jails are fed and do not freeze to death and are not kept on a leash!

KARNS should rot in hell!

He was arrested for animal cruelty and online records show he was released after posting bond!

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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Frank Verdeaux
Frank Verdeaux
Feb 28, 2022

Look this guy up online and you'll find several different arrests, mugshots going back to 2011. In one it says "homeless". Interesting. So he's out again to cause more trouble and misery. Wonderful, isn't it?


Frank Verdeaux
Frank Verdeaux
Feb 28, 2022

I swear to God. If this FuckBrain gets another dog after this, there'll be another incident just like it. When will they ever up the punishment for these monsters?? I had a Basset Hound many years ago. He was the cutest, sweetest, gentlest soul. He's still the king of my heart even though he's been gone , now, 21 years. Sure he got sick on the carpet, sometimes. They all do. So do children! You just clean it up! Hey, Mark-Anything-But-A-Kristian!! Maybe you'd want to take him for a medical check up, dumbfuck?! What's wrong? You can't afford that or to even feed the dog? Funny how you had the money to bail yourself out …


Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Feb 28, 2022

Appears another ‘good ole country boy’ doesn’t have the brains to care for or even bring this blessed Basset Hound to a place that would care for him/her. The author humbly asks only for thoughts & prayers for this Precious Soul, GRANTED! Always! As for this horrid human, I humbly ask for punishment befitting his crime. Realizing that this monster won’t be subjected to spending days tethered in the freezing temperatures sans water, food, or shelter...I ask for a sentence equitable to the pain & suffering this Furbaby endured. Please not just a fine & or a short sentence that will not teach this lying scum (& others like him that will commit such abuse) a damn thing! Please ge…


Frank Verdeaux
Frank Verdeaux
Feb 27, 2022

Why does this shit for brains get a dog? Could you bring it to an animal shelter if you don't want it, or is that too much work for a braindead hillbilly like you? Poor pup, I pray you get well and back to your healthy self and a happy life you deserve!

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