- Tennessee, USA -
~ Update: December 18, 2023
I am overjoyed to let you know that Roselyn was adopted!
MAS tell me “Roselyn got adopted by a great family at 12 Hours of Christmas.” The amazing family has another female Pitbull so Roselyn will be playing and have fun with her new sister Lily.
~ Update: November 30, 2023
I heard back from MAS and no additional information could be disclosed regarding the deceased furbaby as the investigation is still active.
With regard to the furbaby who was found alive, Roselyn, I was told that she is approximately 1 year old and “her weight on intake was 32.8 lbs.”
I was further told:
“Today, Roselyn had:
Schirmer Tear Test: Right eye: 20; Left eye: 13 (She was very squirmy because she understandably didn’t like having her eye poked, but these results could indicate a mild/early dry eye condition)
Fecal float: Positive for whipworms (she will most likely get prescribed Panacur for that tomorrow)
Clinic staff experience with her was that she is friendly. She has bilateral scarring at the base of both ears, suggestive of healed fly strike. She is also underweight, and we plan to recheck her weight in 7 and 21 days.
She did well in playgroup! She was good with introductions but often preferred to be on her own.”
~Original story:
Authorities arrested 28-years-old MARKECIO L. GRAHAM (pictured) and charged him with felony aggravated cruelty to animals.
On the afternoon of Sunday, November 26, 2023, Memphis Animal Services received an animal cruelty call and responded to a property on Palmetto Avenue, Breedlove Street, to investigate.
In the backyard of the residence, a MAS officer found two Pitbulls. Sadly, one was deceased and decomposed. The other one had been feeding on the decomposed Pitbull.
According to the MAS officer, there were no signs of shelter, food, or water for the Voiceless Victims.
GRAHAM admitted the Pitbulls were his and said that he last fed them three weeks ago.
GRAHAM was placed under arrest and booked into the Shelby County Jail on a $15,000 bond.
Records show he is still in custody and he is expected to appear in court on November 29, 2023, at 9:00 a.m.
Authorities did not disclose the name of the deceased furbaby, so I took the liberty of naming him/her Flower for the tribute image. Should his/her given name be made public, I will rectify it accordingly.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Link included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
GRAHAM’s mugshot shared from the Shelby County Jail.
Additional Source:
#VoiceForUs #AnimalCruelty #AllLivesMatter #crueldadanimal #animalslivesmatter #law #Tennessee #Memphis #shelbycounty #lawmakers #prosecutors #judges #dogs #pitbulls #deathpenaltyforanimalabusers #cruauteanimale #tierqualerei
Rest now Flower, you suffer no longer. And all my heart goes to the other precious soul who made it out of that hellish existence. Now, here comes my wrath for 28-years-old MARKECIO L. GRAHAM, you are a bucket of shit! Tennessee get your act together & throw the proverbial book at this POS! If only part of his punishment was to have him endure three weeks without food or water, a warm place to lay his lousy head, & the exact same amount of dispare those blessed babies felt every single hour of every single day. You have a hella lot of Karma headed your way idiot.