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MICHELLE LEE MCCULLOUGH-STUMP and MICHAEL RAY MCCULLOUGH facing eleven counts of animal cruelty

- West Virginia, USA -

On Friday, February 3, 2023, deputies with the Gilmer County Sheriff’s Department received a call of animal cruelty at a property on West Virginia Highway 47 West in Gilmer County.

Upon arrival, deputies spoke with 32-years-old MICHELLE LEE MCCULLOUGH-STUMP (pictured), who said that she had four adult dogs and seven puppies. She also said one puppy had died. During the conversation, MCCULLOUGH-STUMP “admitted that she or her husband had not paid any dog taxes and could not provide proof of rabies shots.” MCCULLOUGH-STUMP went on to say that due to a previous conviction for cruelty to animals in Ritchie County she “had a few more years before she could have animals.”

Deputies advised MCCULLOUGH-STUMP that the dogs would need to be removed and that “she could feed them but she could not move them from the residence or relocate them.”

Three days later, the Gilmer County Sheriff’s Department received another complaint regarding the dogs at MCCULLOUGH-STUMP’s residence so they returned to the property and spoke with her and her husband, 30-years-old MICHAEL RAY MCCULLOUGH (also pictured).

The couple allowed deputies to check on the dogs who were inside the property and deputies reported that “the residence was completely covered inside and out with trash,” and that the “urine and ammonia smell was overbearing.” Deputies further reported that the property did not have running water, electricity, and there was no heat.

Deputies found one male dog in a cage and a female dog with five puppies in a bathroom. The female dog was “severely malnourished and was skin and bones.”

Deputies then asked the couple where the other dogs were. They first showed deputies one deceased puppy and then stated that two other dogs had died and had been buried out back. When deputies went to the backyard, they noted “the soil had not been disturbed,” so they asked the couple why they were lying.

To that, the couple answered that “they had an aunt from Parkersburg to come get the two dogs”… “to keep from losing them.”

MCCULLOUGH-STUMP and MCCULLOUGH, both of Troy, were arrested and charged with eleven counts of cruelty to animals, four counts of failure to register dogs, four counts of failure to vaccine dogs, two counts of disposal with no receipts, a single count of open dumping, littering, and obstructing officers.

MCCULLOUGH-STUMP was additionally charged with eleven counts of possession of animals after conviction.

Online records show that both MCCULLOUGH-STUMP and MCCULLOUGH are being held in Central Regional Jail. MCCULLOUGH-STUMP on a $100,000 bond, and MCCULLOUGH on a $80,500 bond.

I have emailed the Gilmer County Sheriff’s Department and requested additional information about the dogs. If I receive a response, I will post an update.

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

Arrestees’ mugshots shared from the WV Regional Jail & Correctional Facility.


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1 Comment

Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Feb 12, 2023

They all appear to have the same unkempt look. Frightening. They blatantly break the law because they get away with it. If they do get arrested, it seems the courts fail to punish these disgusting people. A also on the wrist & out the door with a possible fine & probation. Do the courts / judge remember they are habitual abusers? They will repeat their neglect / abuse, they’ve already proven themselves. No more chances!

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