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MICHELLE MARIE BRADFORD arrested in connection with the death of a puppy in July 2022

Writer's picture: voiceforusvoiceforus

- Texas, USA -

On Thursday, September 1, 2022, the Groves Police Department announced the arrest of 42-years-old MICHELLE MARIE BRADFORD (pictured) following an investigation into the discovery of a deceased puppy.

Back in July 2022, police said in a press release that on July 13, 2022, officers assisted Groves Animal Control on a cruelty to animal call in the 3100 block of Taft, Groves, where a deceased puppy was discovered in a wire kennel on the side of the residence. “The kennel was located in direct sunlight with no shade, food, or water. The puppy was not breathing and rigor mortis had begun to set in”, stated the release.

Inside the kennel officers saw a small bowl that had no food or water and, on that date, the National Weather Service had issued a heat advisory with a heat index between 108 and 112 degrees.

Officers located the owner of the residence who denied having any knowledge that the puppy was at the home. “She claimed that the dog belonged to her daughter who lives in Port Arthur and had no knowledge it had been dropped off”, said police.

According to the release, a neighbor reported that her stepson took a video of the puppy at 2:42 p.m. and the puppy was still alive. The neighbor said she reported what she saw to the authorities.

Animal control eventually took possession of the deceased puppy and took him/her to veterinarian Dr. Blake Foskey for necropsy. Results showed the poor soul died of a heat stroke with subsequent disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Back in July police explained in the press release: “Unfortunately, we could not make an arrest at the time, due to the fact that the offense was a misdemeanor and did not occur in the police officer’s presence, so it has to be investigated. Our objective here is to establish who was actually responsible for this inhumane act of cruelty and neglect and hold them accountable. In this process, we’ll be interviewing suspects, witnesses and gathering any additional evidence to support our case. Once we complete our investigation, the case will be submitted to the Jefferson County DA’s office for review.”

After more than fifty days, police said that “Groves Detectives Investigation revealed that a resident of the home, Michelle Bradford, had knowledge of the dog being dropped off at the home.”

According to police, during an interview BRADFORD admitted to investigators that she forgot about the puppy being left outside.

Detectives have submitted the case to the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office for review and the DA accepted the felony charge of cruelty to non-livestock animals, which is a 3rd degree felony.

A warrant was granted, and Judge Benjamin Collins Sr. issued a $25,000 bond.

Once the warrant was active, police located and arrested BRADFORD at a home in Port Arthur.

The despicable female was transported to the Jefferson County Correctional Facility and later released after posting bond. According to 12NewsNow, BRADFORD “must wear an ankle monitor.”

12NewsNow reports that a candlelight memorial has been planned for the puppy and will take place on Saturday, September 24, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. across the street from the Groves Activity Center at 6150 39th Street.

BRADFORD, if animal cruelty was taken seriously, you would still be in jail awaiting trial.

Freedom is so precious that TRASH like you should not be entitled to it!

After your sentence, whatever it will be, you will resume your life and go on.

That innocent puppy is dead for ever and if it was up to me, you should be too!!!

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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1 Kommentar

Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
04. Sept. 2022

Lying piece of s**t! How can trash like MICHELLE MARIE BRADFORD sleep at night knowing she willfully left that defenseless wee soul in the hot sun w/o water or shade to suffer & die a most horrific death! WTF is wrong with her?! I truly hope this piece of human garbage has no more restful nights, with nightmares plaguing her every resting & waking hours. RIP WEE SOUL.

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