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MIKE HOUSTON arrested after horses found to be severely malnourished

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

- Alabama, USA -

On Wednesday, March 24, the Foley Police Department were alerted to four horses in a field between Pecan and Maple Street who appeared to be emaciated.

The following morning an investigation was launched.

The horses’ guardian was identified as 49-year-old MIKE HOUSTON (pictured below).

With the assistance of a veterinarian and an animal control officer the horses were evaluated and found to be malnourished and in need of care to various degrees.

FOX10 reports that “investigators said two of the horses” only graded a 1 out of 9 on the Purina body condition scale, 1 being the poorest condition. The other two graded a 2 and 2.5.

According to investigators, HOUSTON said that he took one of the horses in from a previous guardian and was already in poor condition.

Thankfully, investigators said the neglect is clear enough to warrant criminal charges, despite what HOUSTON’s intentions may have been.

In addition to the four horses, animal control removed from the property five hogs and nine goats.

Police said the horses are in the worst condition of all the animals and with the help of local rehabbers, they hope to bring them back to health.

HOUSTON was arrested and charged with four counts of animal cruelty.

Animal cruelty on the first conviction is a class A misdemeanor.

Roosevelt Bullard (pictured below), is HOUSTON’s uncle and owns some of the property the horses were on.

He said he’s concerned for his nephew and wasn’t aware of the horses’ conditions.

Foley Police Chief Thurston Bullock said: “Usually, it is a situation where the owner’s not trying to neglect these animals. They get into it for the right reason. They themselves are animal lovers and they either fall on economic times or difficulties in taking care of animals and some of them don’t want to let go of the animal because of their love for the animal although they’re hurting the animal.”

Chief Bullock, if you really love your animals and realize that you can no longer care for them, YOU ASK FOR HELP!

You reach out to organizations and ASK FOR HELP!


Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.


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