- Kentucky, USA -
On July 17, 2023, 38-years-old MONICA ORTEGA (pictured) was arrested for failing to properly care for her five dogs.
According to the criminal complaint obtained by Voice For Us, on December 12, 2022, Louisville Metro Animal Services (LMAS) responded to a Louisville residence to investigate a report about dogs who were being kept in a garage and not being properly cared for.
The complaint stated that LMAS Officer Ratliff called ORTEGA to the property, “she took ownership of the dogs” and was issued “a violation to get the dogs licensed.”
On January 18, 2023, LMAS returned to the property to conduct a follow up and reported that “the dogs appeared leaner and the floor of the garage was covered in feces, urine and debris.”
Officer Ratliff learned that ORTEGA had provided limited care to the dogs as she was “coming and going from the home.”
On February 24, 2023, Officer Clark went to the home to find out that ORTEGA had moved out leaving behind all five furbabies in poor condition. In the meantime, one of the dogs gave birth to six puppies. Officer Clark’s attempt to contact ORTEGA by phone was unsuccessful.
On March 13, 2023, Animal Control Lieutenant Forner went to the property “to document conditions and discuss impoundment of the dogs”, stated the complaint.
Lt. Forner found dogs and puppies “blocked off into a section of the garage that had feces, urine and trash throughout the space.” The mother of the puppies was found emaciated. There was a bowl of water and according to the complaint, “LMAS provided dog food for the family living in the residence.”
Two days later, on March 15, 2023, the puppies and their mom were removed and a reclaiming notice was posted at the residence.
On April 18, 2023, the remaining Voiceless Victims were also FINALLY removed!
The complaint, dated May 11, 2023, stated: “As of today's date, deft has not contacted LMAS nor has she reclaimed any of her pets.”
ORTEGA was arrested on July 17, 2023, and at this time of writing records show she is still in custody.
I have emailed LMAS and requested additional information about the furvictims. If I receive a response, I will post an update.
I wonder why it took so long to remove the dogs and why between December 12, 2022, and February 24, 2023, no one noticed the pregnant dog!
ORETGA is not the only one who failed the Voiceless Victims!
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
ORTEGA’s mugshot shared from the Louisville Metropolitan Department of Corrections.
Additional Source:
#VoiceForUs #animalcruelty #crueldadanimal #cruautéanimale #tierquälerei #jeffersoncounty #kentucky #animalslivesmatter #deathpenaltyforanimalabusers #louisville #prosecutors #judges #law #lawmakers #dogs #puppies

Mean looking POS Ortega just didn’t give a s**t about any of those precious souls & neither did the animal services! As the author of Voice for Us stated, these precious souls were failed by so many & left alone in a garage to fend for themselves, as if they could. They were abandoned twice & I pray their lives are filled with loving families now.