- Massachusetts, USA -
Sharon, Massachusetts Police Department say that detectives arrested 24-year-old NICHOLAS MEAGHER (pictured below), of Randolph.
MEAGHER is accused of setting his ex-boyfriend’s apartment on fire with a dog inside because their relationship suddenly turned sour.
MEAGHER, who calls himself Dr. Biceps on social media, met his 18-year-old ex-boyfriend a few months ago in a gym.
On the night of Monday, February 8, Sharon police and fire responded to a fire at Bayberry Drive.
Crew worked to extinguish the flames and evacuate residents and animals.
The building was heavily damaged.
WCVB reports that according to a police report, MEAGHER went to his ex-boyfriend’s apartment and entered through an unlocked door.
When he was inside, the ex-boyfriend’s dog bit MEAGHER and as the furbaby tried to escape, MEAGHER put the dog back inside the apartment.
MEAGHER claimed his lighter then broke starting the fire.
MEAGHER fled the burning apartment leaving the dog behind.
Thankfully, in this case good beat evil and the furbaby managed to escape and remained unharmed.
MEAGHER was arrested on Wednesday, February 10, and was arraigned the following day in Stoughton District Court.
MEAGHER’s defense attorney argued that there was no willful or malicious intent but the Judge did not buy that and had ordered MEAGHER held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing on Tuesday, February 16, when a Judge will determine whether MEAGHER poses a threat if released.
Police say MEAGHER has been charged with animal cruelty, entering a dwelling at night with the intent to commit a felony, arson of a dwelling house, and malicious destruction of a property over $1,200.
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