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NICOLE ANNE JORDAN kept her dog outside in horrific condition and had to be euthanized

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

- Texas, USA -

On Wednesday, February 9, officers from the Pebble Hills Regional Command arrested 45-years-old NICOLE ANNE JORDAN (pictured below).

The El Paso Police Department said in a press release that the arrest was the result of an investigation that was launched in December 2021.

As reported by KFOX14, a neighbor alerted animal services to a dog who was in JORDAN’s yard and that had not moved from the same position. The neighbor said the dog was left outside all the time.

Following this report, on December 17, 2021, an animal services officer went to JORDAN’s home in the 10000 block of Chinaberry Drive but she was unable to contact her.

The officer then went to the side of the house and saw the dog laying on his side in the dirt trying to bark. “The officer said the dog appeared to be in distress and was attempting to stand but couldn’t”, reports KFOX14.

The officer also reported the dog had been laying in “the cold 46-degree weather” for some time and that was also unable to reach food or water due to his condition.

The neighbor who made the call said the dog had been in the same position and condition since early afternoon.

The animal services officer’s attempts to reach JORDAN over the phone were unsuccessful.

JORDAN went back home in the evening and said she was out with family at winterfest.

When she was questioned about the dog, she said that her dog, a Beagle mix named Captain Crunch, was about 14 or 15-years-old and was blind but not neglected.

The officer told JORDAN that Captain Crunch had been in distress and that needed to be taken to a vet as soon as possible.

To that, JORDAN said she would have to put her dog down because she couldn’t afford medical care for him.

Animal Services took Captain Crunch and a medical examination showed a tumor hanging out of his ear, maggots in his ear canal and a pre-existing ear infection.

JORDAN surrendered Captain Crunch to animal services and he was sadly put down due to medical issues.

Animal services said Captain Crunch was in a lot of pain, not mobile and his issues were not treatable.

According to the affidavit, JORDAN denied knowing that Captain Crunch was in such bad condition and said he barks for nothing.

Additionally, JORDAN stated that Captain Crunch had been like this for about two days and that she didn't think anything was wrong with him. She thought he possibly had a stroke.

JORDAN was arrested for cruelty to non-livestock animals and booked into the El Paso County Detention Facility where Judge Horkowitz issued a $3,000 bond.

Online records show JORDAN was released after posting the paltry bond.

In a fair world JORDAN would have been kept in jail and would have not been fed for weeks before being euthanized!

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.


Frank Verdeaux
Frank Verdeaux
Feb 22, 2022

Selfish ugly c**t. Sorry to use that word I normally don't like, but it's completely justifiable here. She doesn't deserve to live. F her. R.I.P. to Captain. Bless you, baby. I hope you're in everlasting peace and happiness, now.


Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Feb 22, 2022

I agree, in a world that cared for animals, this hideous monster would be chained out in the weather until she could actually express a caring thought for Captain Crunch. People like her disgust me. She ‘thought’ he had a stroke…but didn’t bother checking! Again I will remind this chunk of rancid meat that there’s a special place in Hell reserved just for her. RIP CAPTAIN CRUNCH. I’m so sorry this selfish human failed you.

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