- Pennsylvania, USA -
On January 28, the Newberry Township Police Department responded to a domestic disturbance call in a property in the 2000 block of Old Trail Road.
The caller told police that her father, 68-year-old NORMAN DALTON DENSLOW (pictured below), had killed one of the family’s cats.
FOX43 reports that DENSLOW claimed the cat bit him and he reacted by punching the feline two times in the face.
His daughter, however, gave a different version of the facts.
She said that she heard loud slamming on the walls of her father’s bedroom.
She also stated that her father told her he had killed the cat and hit the furbaby nine to ten times.
The poor furbaby was found in DENSLOW’ s bedroom on the floor, still breathing but motionless.
There was blood coming from the furbaby’s tiny mouth and eyes.
There was also blood all around the furbaby’s body.
FOX43 reports that a SPCA officer responded to the scene and took the badly injured cat to an animal emergency hospital.
The officer said he did not believe the cat would live due to the severity of his/her injuries.
The evil monster was arrested and transported to York County Booking Center on aggravated cruelty to animals charges.
The murderer’s preliminary hearing has been set for March 1, 2021, before District Judge Scott J. Gross.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Link included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
