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NYISHA L. SQUEGLIA murdered her dog–Video showed her beating, kicking, whipping and dragging the dog

- Connecticut, USA -

A dog unable to fight back or call for help was savagely beaten, kicked, stomped on, whipped, dragged, and swung by the neck until he/she finally died!

The Bridgeport Police Department said the above are “all acts of prolonged torture and violence that culminated in the death of this dog.”

The scum responsible for this brutal and barbaric attack is 31-years-old NYISHA L. SQUEGLIA (pictured).

Police responded to SQUEGLIA’s home on October 7, 2023, in the East End after receiving a call about a dog who was found dead in the yard after being brutally beaten.

After reviewing videos from a neighbor's security camera, police learned that SQUEGLIA “maliciously and intentionally killed her dog.” According to a police report, SQUEGLIA used different objects to injure the dog “to cause a maximum amount of harm.” The report goes on to state that SQUEGLIA kept attacking the dog even when the poor soul “appears limp and lifeless.” Police also said that “The dog endured over 15 minutes of terror, torture, violence, and pain before finally dying.”

An officer then approached SQUEGLIA and asked her to explain the content of what officers had watched. According to the report, SQUEGLIA “appeared unaffected and gave short, unemotional responses.” SQUEGLIA implied that the actions seen in the video were the result of an incident where the dog had “attacked” her approximately 1-year-old child.

An officer reported that the child had a small scratch on the nose that “did not appear consistent with a dog bite.”

A different officer reported that the scratch on the child’s nose was not fresh and had already been scabbed.

SQUEGLIA told one of the officers that she just “snapped” and killed the dog.

News 12 reports that on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, the filthy murderer appeared in Bridgeport Superior Court and the judge appointed attorney Joyce Glass as the animal advocate in the case under Desmond’s Law.

Ms. Glass explained to News 12: “This law allows attorneys to act in the interest of justice and also be a voice for the animals and we are permitted to speak in the court and be part of the resolution.”

On a separate note, News 12 reports that SQUEGLIA was “recently arrested on a charge of violation of probation.” In 2022, SQUEGLIA was sentenced to probation “after pleading guilty to fourth-degree larceny and third-degree forgery in a case from 2019.”

Authorities did not disclose the furbaby’s name, so I took the liberty of naming him/her Daffodil for the tribute image. Should his/her given name be made public, I will rectify it accordingly.

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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1 Comment

Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon
Nov 03, 2023

Nope! No excuses for this vile savage NYISHAl L. lSQUEGLIA, NONE! She is a blatant murderer who ‘snapped’. Who will be the next victim when she loses control, cuz there will be a next time!Viewing her court pic she could not give a good GD! RIP DAFFODIL

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