- California, USA -
UPDATE: June 6, 2021
The Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office said in a statement on Friday, June 4, that the Honorable Patrick Marlette sentenced 57-year-old PETRA SANTIAGO GABRIEL (pictured below), to seven years in state prison after she set her sister’s dog on fire.
On April 13, 2021, GABRIEL pled to felony animal cruelty with a weapon and admitted to a prior 2007 strike conviction for robbery.
~ Original story:
On July 7, 2020, GABRIEL’s dog, Titan, and her sister’s dog, a brindle Pitbull named Doody, got into a fight.
After the women were able to separate the two dogs, GABRIEL sprayed Doody with a flammable substance.
GABRIEL then proceeded to burn Doody with a butane torch, engulfing the furbaby’s face and body in flames.
Doody survived thanks to the help of Sacramento County Animal Control and UC Davis veterinarians.
The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office wrote in a Facebook post that as a result of the severe burns that Doody sustained, he will possibly lose both eyes and an ear.
The furbaby, now renamed Phoenix, has been in the care of Sacramento County Animal Care and Regulation for treatment and remains in a specialized medical foster home.
Phoenix will require a lifetime of medication and must wear a T-shirt at all times due to his extensive body burns.
The Sheriff’s Office announced that a $500,000 arrest warrant for animal cruelty and arson was obtained leading to the arrest of PETRA SANTIAGO GABRIEL on Friday, July 24.
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.