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RAYMOND NEUBERGER, ex-Fairfield RTM candidate, animal killer and abuser, arrested for killing a cat

Writer: voiceforusvoiceforus

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

- Connecticut, USA -

The Fairfield Police Department have arrested 38-years-old RAYMOND NEUBERGER (pictured), after an investigation found him responsible for the PREVENTABLE death of an innocent cat.

According to a news release by Fairfield police, back on August 7, 2022, the Department received a report from an emergency veterinary clinic caring for a cat, who appeared to be suffering from injuries, “which were deemed suspicious.”

From an initial investigation it emerged that the cat, named Gem, was covered in a liquid, later found to be bleach, had several signs of physical injury, and neurological trauma subsequently dying as a result of these injuries.

Fairfield police tells me that “According to veterinary documents the cat was a 1 year 9 month old female feline, Black and Tan domestic medium hair.”

A necropsy performed Gem revealed that she died as a result of blunt force trauma.

After reviewing all evidence, investigators concluded that the person responsible for the death of the cat was NEUBERGER and an arrest warrant was completed.

An in depth and lengthy investigation jointly conducted by the Fairfield Police Department’s Detective Bureau and the Fairfield Police Animal Control Officers, further revealed that NEUBERGER engaged in violence, domestic in nature, and a separate arrest warrant was completed.

NEUBERGER, former Fairfield Representative Town Meeting candidate, was arrested on October 10, 2022, and charged with cruelty to animals, disorderly conduct, and assault 3rd degree.

The filthy murderer was released after posting a $30,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in Bridgeport Superior Court on Wednesday, October 5, 2022.

Police said: “The Fairfield Police would like to thank all of the doctors and staff of our emergency veterinary clinics for their diligence in recognizing injuries suspicious in nature prompting law enforcement to arrest the person accused of these crimes.”

While I too thank all veterinary staff for recognizing the VOICELESS VICTIM’s injuries and alerting the authorities, I have nothing but hatred for the judicial system and Connecticut’s lawmakers!!!!

This is not the first time that NEUBERGER abused an innocent animal. In fact, in 2018, he was accused of burning one dog and causing multiple rib fractures to another. The furbabies, Thor and Charlie, both 5-year-old King Charles Cavalier Spaniels, belonged to NEUBERGER and his fiancée.

According to a petition that was created seeking the maximum penalty for NEUBERGER, the former Fairfield RTM candidate was charged with four counts of “malicious wounding of an animal.”

According to Bronx News 12, “Hearst Media reports Neuberger served about a month in jail as part of a deal that would end with the charges being wiped from his record.”

What has to happen for a judge to throw this filthy individual in a cell and let him rot?

Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.

Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.

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Judy A Canon
Judy A Canon

The true face of an animal torturer! Look at RAYMOND NEUBERGER & never forget his cruelty. He has a pattern of hurting animals & it has been proven horrible humans like him never stop but do graduate to people when the cries of pain from an animal no longer satiate their dark desires. The judge should be ashamed of his slap on the wrist of this scumbag knowing it was not a slap that ended the lives of the voiceless victims he tortured & murdered. RIP PRECIOUS SOUL

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