- South Carolina, USA -
The Charleston County Sheriff's Office is investigating after a female Chihuahua puppy was found abandoned in a plastic storage bin on Tuesday, September 13, 2022.
Charleston Animal Society explained through a Facebook post that the furbaby, now named Billie, was found “left bleeding with a broken jaw and eye socket, in a plastic storage bin in the Midland Park area of North Charleston. Children who saw the puppy in the bin on a neighborhood walking path told their mother who then contacted authorities.”
Billie was then brought to Charleston Animal Society for lifesaving treatment. She is receiving pain medicine, X-rays were taken, and she is on a feeding tube.
Charleston Animal Society said along with a fracture to her right jaw and her left eye socket, Billie also had a puncture wound. Billie “did not like her feeding tube and pulled it out, however, she is now eating soft food and sleeping comfortably under the close eye of shelter staff and veterinarians.”
Charleston Animal Society Associate Director of Veterinary Medicine Ryan Pelletier, DVM said: “We believe her injuries are going to heal, it's just going to take a little time. She's lucky that she was found and brought in when she was.”
Charleston Animal Society Vice President of Operations and Strategy Aldwin Roman, CAWA expressed concern for Billie’s injuries and said it is also just as important to find who did this to her. “We are concerned with the significant head injuries Billie suffered and what caused them, but as importantly, we want to know why someone left her in a bin alone, in so much obvious pain”, he said.
He then added: “Billie was found in the bin with a pee pad and blanket, so it seems clear someone had been caring for her. Yet she was abandoned with life threatening injuries which is cruel and unnecessary. Someone knows what happened to this poor dog and needs to come forward.”
Charleston Animal Society is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to a criminal conviction of those responsible for Billie’s injuries.
If you have any information, please, speak up for Billie and call the Charleston County Sheriff's Office at (843) - 743 - 7200. Thank you!
If you wish and can afford to donate toward Billie’s tremendous medical expenses, please click here. Thank you!
Voice For Us Disclaimer: This story is sourced from official news outlets. Links included.
Details may be removed or additional information may be provided in future should such sources report an update.
#animalcruelty #animalslivesmatter #deathpenaltyforanimalabusers #abandonedpuppy #investigation #reward #charlestoncounty #southcarolina
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Billie please get better. You are safe & loved now! I pray whatever deranged individual(s) did this to Billie will be found & prosecuted! Justice for Billie.