- Louisiana, USA -
A sickening video showing a defenseless rat being set on fire led to the arrest of 28-year-old RICKY WILSON proudly smiling in the picture below.
The video is truly hard to watch.
It shows an innocent live rat who was COWARDLY, SENSELLESLY, and CRUELLY trapped in a cage, doused with lighter fluid, and set on fire.
FOX8 reports that New Orleans Police said the video was made in October 2020 and was then posted on social media.
The case was being investigated with the assistance of the SPCA.
While the poor animal was being burned, WILSON said: “That’s what we do to rat out there. That goes for everybody, family and all.”
Crime experts say while the act itself is disturbing enough, what has been said in the background is extremely alarming.
Mr. Rafael Goyeneche, Metropolitan Crime Commission, told FOX8: “It’s obvious listening to the commentary of the people that set the rat on fire, it was a metaphor and a message on social media, that this is what we do to a rat. Anyone who cooperates with law enforcement, what we did to this animal, posted it on social media, set it on fire alive, is what we are going to do to you and your family if you rat on us.”
WISLON was booked with aggravated cruelty to an animal, illegal carrying of a weapon, possession of marijuana, and possession of a stolen car.
The filthy murderer bonded out of jail and is freely walking our streets!!!
Well done judge! Afraid of fire?!
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